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Small Parcel Audit

Aug 09, 2024

Auditing of small parcel shipping operations offers an in-depth examination of your shipping activities to detect errors that could cost money.

Auditing of small parcel shipping operations offers an in-depth examination of your shipping activities to detect errors that could cost money. This process compares rates negotiated with carriers against invoices for each shipment to detect issues like duplicate charges and misapplied discounts.

There are numerous shipping carriers who provide refunds for service failures, and an audit can reveal these opportunities. Common examples of service failures include address correction charges, incorrect dimensional weight measurements, late deliveries or late pickups.

Why They’re So Important

Small parcel audits reveal errors, savings opportunities, and ways to optimize shipping decisions. This allows for improved rate negotiations with carriers, resulting in long-term financial benefits; but their true value lies in eliminating time-consuming tasks like filing claims, disputing declination letters, and verifying that promised credits actually show up on invoices - so you can focus on other business-driving tasks instead. By hiring a third-party, you are freed to concentrate on driving forward your business!

Parcel carrier prices change frequently. Therefore, it is essential that businesses implement an automated freight audit process capable of keeping up with them and optimizing shipping operations to prevent costly mistakes that could harm profits and limit customer satisfaction levels.

Errors on shipping invoices can quickly add up, especially for businesses operating with thin margins. There are solutions to correct errors before they add up quickly; including seeking refunds from your parcel carrier.

However, many companies lack the resources or in-house teams available to conduct such an audit manually or rely on in-house teams which are stretched too thin to do it effectively. Instead, many opt for companies offering parcel audit services which have dedicated databases with full visibility of each shipment's origin to destination as well as charges and fees associated with it - making it easy to spot extra fees such as address correction charges that don't belong or overcharges on dimension weight charges that shouldn't exist.

By identifying errors and requesting refunds from carriers, you'll save more money in your bank and be able to reinvest those funds back into your company - for product development, hiring new employees and expanding business growth. Every dollar that gets lost to shipping invoice errors means one less dollar that's available to grow your business.

How They Look For Errors

Shipping expenses account for an enormous portion of logistics businesses' budgets, often comprising 5-10% of their revenue. Therefore, shippers need to ensure they're getting maximum value out of their shipping rates - one way of doing this is parcel invoice auditing.

Parcel invoice auditing involves carefully combing through shipping carrier invoices in search of errors and overcharges. While traditional audit methods required employees to physically go through multiple invoices and manually run down delivery statuses, automated software now exists which can perform this same work more quickly - saving valuable human capital that can be better allocated towards other tasks.

Automating this process also ensures refund claims are filed swiftly and effectively, saving shippers an immense amount of money when multiple mistakes are identified over time. Software will typically file claims automatically with carriers when an error or overcharge has been identified - saving shippers time and money!

Many shipping carriers provide comprehensive refund policies, which can help a logistic business maintain high service standards while realizing maximum profits. For them to compensate, an invoice audit must first bring the issue to their attention - that is why parcel invoice auditing should always be performed prior to any claim made against them.

Examples of shipping carrier invoice errors include avoidable address correction charges; incorrect dimensional weight charges due to carrier mismeasurements of packages; overcharged accessorial fees such as fuel surcharges or residential delivery fees for commercial locations; and double billing shipments (billing more than once).

Resolving these issues promptly can provide logistic businesses with substantial financial benefits. For example, late deliveries and voids can be leveraged against carriers for lower rates in future carrier contracts; inaccurate dimensional weights can be corrected through refund requests to carriers.

How They Can Save You Money

Audits may seem like minor tasks when planning logistics, but they can save your business thousands. By analyzing shipping data and carrier contracts, auditors can uncover invoice overcharges or billing errors that reduce shipping costs while also improving company performance.

No matter if it involves manual methods, automation software, or both - small parcel audits provide your team with the data and insights required to detect inaccuracies in shipping invoices and rates. Common errors include incorrect surcharges or duplicate charges, overcharges related to inaccurate weight entries, misapplied shipping rates or misapplication. Over time these errors could cost your business significantly in unneeded services that it pays for but doesn't need.

Once you've reached an agreement with a carrier, ensuring your negotiated rate is applied accurately is crucial in keeping costs under control. A small parcel invoice audit can also help reclaim any overcharges missed during negotiations so your business doesn't pay too much for services it doesn't need.

Not only can finding these errors save your business money, but identifying these misdeeds can can give you leverage when renewing or seeking better terms on contracts with carriers. If they mischarged you and were in error, not only can you claim back your payment but perhaps negotiate lower rates as well.

Small parcel audits can also help keep costs under control by highlighting opportunities to streamline operations and reduce unnecessary shipping costs. For instance, if your organization regularly ships large numbers of items that don't belong in ground transport, an auditor might point out how switching them over to air transport would significantly cut expenses.

Additionally, your shipments could qualify for zone 4 pricing but you could be overpaying. By reviewing your shipping data and checking whether the information on carrier invoices is accurate, you can check if any overcharges occur and request a refund from them if any apply.

The Dos and Don’ts

Small parcel auditing may seem like just another task on a supply chain's list, and it can actually be a powerful strategy to control shipping costs and ensure businesses only pay for what they actually send out. Audits also help strengthen relationships with carriers by showing them they value being part of your supply chain and by guaranteeing accurate invoices for them.

Errors on invoices can cost businesses thousands, from measurement discrepancies (such as misrecording size or weight of packages) to duplicate charges that occur because parcel volumes increase significantly. Unfortunately, finding these errors manually is often ineffective; many supply chain leaders now rely on AI technology such as anomaly detection to transform their freight auditing process without human errors causing mistakes that slow it down further.

These technologies make the arduous task of manually inspecting and comparing carrier invoices an automated affair, continually checking data in real time to detect errors before they become issues. As a result, businesses benefit from an improved process with lower operating costs that provides significant cost savings potential.

Automation can also reveal hidden errors in your shipping practices that you weren't previously aware of, providing insights that help streamline and save even more money over time.

Finding a freight auditing software capable of meeting today's evolving e-commerce rates, driver shortages, rising fuel costs and mounting financial strain can be critical to your shipping success. For optimal shipping results, look for companies offering comprehensive freight payment and auditing systems complete with a dedicated team of specialists managing this entire process.

Mindful Logistics makes small parcel audits more than just another checkbox on your supply chain to-do list; it helps establish strong relationships with carriers who will likely step up their game in response. This could mean faster package deliveries or renegotiating contracts to meet specific customer requirements.

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26 Jul, 2024
UPS Ground vs FedEx Ground There are a lot of similarities between FedEx and UPS package operation systems. However, there are also quite a few differences between the two giant package delivery companies. UPS uses one truck to make their deliveries and pick-ups for companies. That means they deliver and pick-up all the ground, air, and international packages in one package truck. FedEx on the other hand has 3 different trucks. They have their Express, Ground and Home Delivery trucks to service their customers. Home Delivery Trucks are used to service ground residential packages. Ground Deliveries for both companies can take over 7 days to deliver depending on your origin and where the destination delivery address is located. Both UPS and FedEx offer Ground Shipping Options to Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico from the contiguous US as well as into Canada. Urban Areas FedEx has prioritized urban areas for their deliveries. UPS also prefers urban areas where they can off load more packages and drive less miles. These urban deliveries provide the both companies with a higher profit margin on their packages. UPS operational centers service roughly a 60-mile radius from each building. FedEx does not have as many operational centers in the US as UPS requiring their drivers to travel further to service rural routes. UPS has more trucks going to rural areas than their competitor, thus doing a better job at servicing the rural areas. Is UPS or FedEx Faster? Who will deliver your ground package faster? That will depend largely on your origin zip code. If you visit and you can search your zip code to see who has the competitive edge to servicing your customer base. The maps are in color and will show you how many days in transit it will take to deliver packages from your location around the US. From our analysis, FedEx is quicker to deliver to more areas throughout the country than their counterpart. From zip code 28405, FedEx is the faster delivery to the Northeast, Illinois, and some parts of the west coast. However, UPS was quicker to deliver to Arizona than FedEx. Your Preference At the end of the day, it is your preference on which carrier you choose to use to deliver your packages. If time in transit is a key metric for your company, comparing your customer base location in the ground transit maps offered by each carrier will allow you to choose the carrier that will help get your packages faster to your customers. Mindful Logistics utilizes our expert knowledge of the industry to offer consultation to find the perfect shipping fit for your business. Click here for a free rate analysis.
28 May, 2024
Whether you are in the e-commerce, healthcare, manufacturing, or a retail industry, there are ways you can reduce your shipping costs with UPS and FedEx. Here are some tips to avoid common errors that drive up the cost of shipping:  Use the Correct Size Boxes Make sure you have the proper boxes to ship all of your products. The two main carriers, UPS and FedEx determine billing on a number of factors, and one includes dimensional weight. Dimensional weight is determined when shipping domestically, by taking the length x width x height and dividing it by 139. The carriers determine billable weight by whichever is greater, the actual weight of your box or that dimensional weight calculation. If you are putting your products in too big of a box, then you will be charged accordingly which will result in costing your company more money to ship your package to the end user. Understand and Utilize Service Levels Service Levels are extremely important to pay attention to when shipping your packages. Do you have a ground transit map from your carrier next to the computer where you process the shipping labels? If not, you may want to download one from UPS or FedEx and hang it up by your shipping station. We often see companies shipping something overnight or using the 2 day service when they could have shipped something by ground and saved a lot of money. 3 Day service shipping is only advantageous if it would take 4 days or more to ship it by ground. Otherwise, you are best to ship it using ground. If shipping International, picking the best service level is extremely important. The quickest service options will cost you more money. Communicate and Plan with your Shipping & Handling Team What commitment promises are you giving to your customers. Make sure the people that are doing the packaging and label producing understand this. If your commitment is 2 days, they need to know when to use 2nd day air verse ground shipping to get your packages to your customers. Double Check Addresses Address Corrections-This is a money maker for both UPS and FedEx. All the shipping software now have an address validation tool to make sure the address is accurate and matches up to the addresses used by the USPS. Having a means to get the address from your internal software to UPS and FedEx software to produce your labels is extremely important. If you are manually entering the addresses, the human element of error comes into play. Both UPS and FedEx offer the option to validate the address before producing the shipping label. Utilize LTL Carriers Large packages, whether by dimension or weight, must be identified. Both UPS and FedEx tack on a lot of additional fees for these oversized boxes. Having a LTL carrier or two as an option to ship these large packages is advantageous; comparing cost is important to reduce your shipping costs. In most cases shipping the large and oversized packages will be cheaper using an LTL carrier. Always Enter Package Dimensions Finally, make sure you are entering in your package dimensions when you ship each package. The carriers measure the packages once it gets into their system by the outer dimensions. I see a lot of people pre-enter their box sizes into the shipping software, but then overpack the boxes. When it goes into the carrier system their technology will pick this up. Making sure the packing tape is securely firm is also important. If the tape is flapping, the technology picks this up and your dimensions can change quite a bit. The adjustments will appear on your bill and can cost you a lot of money if you are not accounting for them. Addressing these main areas can prevent costing additional money throughout the year with UPS and FedEx thus making your business more profitable. Reach out to us for a free rate analysis to find out where you can save.
01 May, 2024
2024 General Rate Increase By now if you ship with UPS or FedEx, you have seen the 2024 general rate increase (GRI) rear its ugly head. While both UPS and FedEx said the average increase is only 5.9%, down from 6.9% for 2023; if we peel back the onion this increase could be quite substantial for most shippers. Both UPS and FedEx are penalizing shippers that use Next Day Air or Priority Overnight packages to short zones. A Zone 2 package for both carriers has an increase of at least 7.8% compared to 2023 prices. The further distance that the package travels, the increase comes down to around 6.4%. That it is still above the 5.9% GRI the carriers have stated in their press reports. On the flip side 2 nd Day Air packages are carrying a rate increase of around 5.4% up to a Zone 4 which is up to 600 miles from the point of origin. On Zones 5 and above, the increases go up to almost 7.9%. UPS and FedEx respectively have the same similar increase for their 3 Day Service. Shorter Zones have a 4.4% increase while the longer the package travels, then the increase goes up to almost 7.9%. What This Means to Me: What this tells me is that both UPS and FedEx are challenging their shippers to think very carefully before choosing what level of service they want to use. 2 nd Day Air Service is geared toward shippers that want to pay cheaper rates than overnight services, but also want their packages to arrive quicker than what the traditional ground delivery would take. So, if you are choosing 2 nd Day Air or 3 Day Select Services with UPS or FedEx for shorter zones, you are being penalized with a higher rate increase. Those packages should be shipped ground instead. Ground packages for both carriers are taking on closer to the 5.9% GRI that they said was the average increase for 2024. As the packages get heavier and travel a longer distance is when shippers should see the increases grow to well over 6%. Exporting packages to the UK, Canada or Mexico with both carriers will take on increases up 11% this year using Express Services options. FedEx was more generous with their increases to China and Japan than UPS on Express Packages. The increases are not as substantial if you are choosing a slower service that will take longer to get to its destination. FedEx had larger increases for Import packages than UPS on packages coming from China, Germany, Mexico or Japan. FedEx shippers can see increases up to 12% on those Imports compared to 2023 for their Express Service levels. UPS was a little more generous with their Import increases on Express Service Levels. However, UPS did raise those Import Package Increases from China (our countries top Import Country btw) close to 8%. Watch Out For Accessorial Charges: Accessorial charges are another way for the carriers to make large profits off your packages. What are accessorial charges? Here are some of the common accessorial charges you see on your invoices. Residential, Delivery Area Surcharge, Additional Handling, and Address Correction. A lot goes into the accessorial charges. Such as Delivery Area Surcharges. There are different fees if it is shipped ground or air as well if it is shipped to a Commercial or residential address. Accessorial fee are increasing anywhere from 1% to up to 18.5% and everywhere in between. Accessorial charges are very tricky and that is just how the carriers want it. What This Means For You: If you are novice or just do not break down the UPS and FedEx rate increase and what it will mean for your company year over year, then you will find out quick enough when the carrier says an average rate increase of 5.9% that may not mean the same to you as it does the business next door. There are a lot of games the carriers play each year with their increases. They have all the analytics on their side to know what service level, weight breaks, and zones to increase the rates the most to make the best profit for their organization. Which is smart on their end. It is what every company wishes to do. UPS and FedEx have always made it very difficult to figure out how their annual general rate increase will impact a business. They do not have the same playbook year over year. They are like a great offensive coordinator in the NFL. They are constantly switching things up to make it harder on the defense. In this case the defense is you the business that is shipping, and paying once again a lot more money to ship a package in 2024. Reach out to us if you are interested in finding out more ways you can save on shipping.
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