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FedEx Auditing - How Mindful Logistics Can Help You Claim Small Parcel Shipping Refunds

Sep 20, 2024

Every year, billions of dollars in small parcel shipping refunds from FedEx and UPS go unclaimed. Mindful Logistics helps companies regain control of their shipping costs and claim these refunds.

Every year, billions of dollars in small parcel shipping refunds from FedEx and UPS go unclaimed. Mindful Logistics helps companies regain control of their shipping costs and claim these refunds.

A full Fedex audit examines more than just current invoices; it should also review current contracts so that any billing mistakes are caught in time to qualify for refunds. Additionally, a Fedex audit provides in-depth visibility into shipping costs to help businesses renegotiate carrier contracts or find better rates elsewhere.

What is an Audit?

A FedEx audit is a comprehensive review of a company’s shipping data and costs to identify errors, overcharges, and inefficient practices. In addition to identifying mistakes and overpayments, audits can also help companies streamline their operations and improve service quality.

Companies rely on parcel carriers to deliver orders quickly and accurately. Unfortunately, many of these companies pay too much for these services because they are unaware of how their invoices should be billed. A FedEx audit can identify inaccuracies in shipping rates and surcharges, resulting in significant savings for businesses. In addition, an audit can help companies negotiate better rates with FedEx and implement shipping management systems that streamline shipping processes and ensure compliance with contract terms.

FedEx invoices contain dozens of line items and charges, making them complex and difficult to manage manually. Using an automated auditing solution such as software provided by Mindful Logistics, can reduce labor and operational costs, while ensuring that businesses are paying the correct shipping rate.

Automated shipping invoice audits can save thousands of dollars annually and free up valuable resources for business growth. These benefits make automated shipping audits a smart investment for companies that depend on the FedEx and UPS duopoly for their shipping needs.

The best way to control shipping expenses is through a thorough and accurate audit of FedEx and UPS invoices. A good audit can identify a wide range of inaccuracies that could be costing you money, such as overcharging for residential deliveries, incorrect shipping rates, and missed discounts. Moreover, an audit can also help you secure refunds for late deliveries and service failures.

Every year, billions of dollars in small parcel shipping refunds from FedEx and UPS go unclaimed. These refunds are a fortune that should be going to your bottom line, but without the help of an expert, you can miss out on these opportunities. Mindful Logistics' FedEx and UPS auditing services can help you get back the money you deserve. We can also provide guidance on implementing shipping management systems and leveraging shipping rates comparison tools to optimize your freight spend. Contact us today to get started.

What Mistakes and Overcharges Does an Audit Find?

During the holidays, the volume of shipments is at its peak. This can be a great thing for your business, but it can also create challenges when it comes to shipping costs. Fortunately, a FedEx invoice audit can help you save money on shipping.

A parcel invoice audit examines FedEx and UPS charges to identify errors, overcharges, and unfounded fees. It can also help you claim refunds owed by the carriers for service failures and late deliveries. The best way to get the most out of a courier invoice audit is to work with an expert.

Experienced auditors use sophisticated software to analyze shipping data and pinpoint billing errors. They can find all types of inaccuracies, from incorrect weight or package dimensions to improper service charges. They can even detect unauthorized discounts and negotiated rates that have been overlooked or applied to the wrong shipments.

As a result, businesses can benefit from significant cost savings and reduced shipping expenses by partnering with an expert for an invoice audit. In addition, an experienced auditor can uncover recurring issues and suggest changes that will improve overall shipping cost optimization.

Despite the fact that shipping carriers like UPS and FedEx offer competitive pricing and fast order delivery, they can still charge excessively for their services. This is because the rates are complex and difficult to understand, and there are many different accessorial charges that may be imposed by the carrier. In addition, shipping contracts are often ambiguous and written to favor the carrier rather than the shipper.

This can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes when it comes to applying negotiated rates, incentives, and discounts. Additionally, frequent changes in rates and policies increase the likelihood of errors.

One of the most common errors occurs with LTL (less than truckload) shipments. These shipments are rated based on their freight class and NMFC (National Motor Freight Classification) number, which determines the level of difficulty in transporting them. Errors in determining these rates can cost a company thousands of dollars.

A professional auditor can catch these errors by analyzing each individual shipment in detail. They can then apply the correct rate and confirm that all discounted and incentive shipping rates are being applied to their shipments. Any credits or adjustments that are uncovered by an audit appear directly on the next invoice, eliminating the need for a manual correction process and saving you even more time and money.

Learn about more common mistakes here.

How to Prepare for Fedex Auditing

As with any type of audit, preparation is key. Gathering all the necessary data for analysis can be a time-consuming task, but it is essential to ensuring that any discrepancies are identified and resolved. To do so, it is important to have all shipping invoices, contracts, and records available for review. Once this is done, the audit can begin.

In addition to identifying errors and overpayments, an audit can also help businesses improve their shipping processes by providing insights into inefficiencies. For example, recurring issues such as miscalculated shipping weights or incorrect surcharge application can be addressed by changing the way these processes are managed. Additionally, implementing new technologies such as audit software can help to reduce errors and speed up processing times.

A well-executed FedEx invoice audit can lead to significant cost savings. Refunds for late deliveries, address correction fees, and duplicate charges are just a few of the many ways in which an experienced parcel carrier auditing company like Betachon can save businesses money. Additionally, by leveraging the results of an audit to negotiate better rates with FedEx, businesses can further cut their shipping costs and enhance profitability.

For the most comprehensive and thorough audit possible, a company should hire an expert. A seasoned team of auditors can identify and correct errors across multiple areas of the company’s shipping operations, from rate analysis to contract compliance. By combining their expertise with cutting-edge technology, such as automated auditing tools and shipment management systems, these professionals can ensure that every dollar spent on shipping aligns with the services provided.

An expert FedEx audit also ensures that all shipping processes are compliant with the terms and conditions outlined in the company’s shipping contracts. Any deviations from these terms can be quickly identified and negotiated, leading to significant savings. Finally, a regular schedule of audits, either weekly or monthly, prevents billing discrepancies from accumulating over time.

With the US market dominated by the FedEx-UPS duopoly, every refund a business can claim is a valuable resource. However, billions of small parcel shipping refunds go uncollected each year, allowing the duopoly to make a fortune for services that they did not provide.

How an Expert Can Help

A FedEx audit is a comprehensive examination of a company’s shipping invoices to identify billing errors and overcharges. The process is typically carried out by third-party companies specializing in parcel auditing, who analyze invoice data and compare it to the company’s shipping contracts, service agreements and actual shipments. The results of the audit often reveal refunds owed and areas where shipping costs can be reduced.

A comprehensive FedEx audit includes a review of both current and past invoices to ensure that mistakes made by FedEx are caught and that refunds are received. The audit should also include an analysis of current shipping contracts to make sure that rates are in line with industry standards. If not, the business can renegotiate their contract or even switch to another carrier that offers better pricing.

In addition to identifying overcharges and refunds, an audit can also uncover issues with tracking that could lead to lost packages and poor customer satisfaction. Fortunately, FedEx and UPS have policies in place to refund businesses for these issues. However, these refunds must be claimed within a limited window of time in order to receive them. An expert FedEx invoice audit can help companies identify and follow up on these claims in a timely manner, ensuring that they get the money they deserve.

Performing regular shipping audits can help businesses save thousands of dollars in overcharges and other costs each year. The process can also help them find inefficiencies in their shipping practices that can be addressed and corrected, leading to improved delivery times and lower overall shipping costs.

For companies that rely on FedEx for their parcel shipping needs, it is important to do everything they can to minimize their shipping losses and costs. A regular Fedex audit can uncover a variety of errors and overcharges that are easy to miss without careful examination. A professional third-party firm, like Mindful Logistics, can handle the complex task of scouring Fedex invoices for errors and recouping refunds, saving businesses hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars each year in shipping costs. Get your Free Rate Analysis here.

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UPS Ground vs FedEx Ground There are a lot of similarities between FedEx and UPS package operation systems. However, there are also quite a few differences between the two giant package delivery companies. UPS uses one truck to make their deliveries and pick-ups for companies. That means they deliver and pick-up all the ground, air, and international packages in one package truck. FedEx on the other hand has 3 different trucks. They have their Express, Ground and Home Delivery trucks to service their customers. Home Delivery Trucks are used to service ground residential packages. Ground Deliveries for both companies can take over 7 days to deliver depending on your origin and where the destination delivery address is located. Both UPS and FedEx offer Ground Shipping Options to Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico from the contiguous US as well as into Canada. Urban Areas FedEx has prioritized urban areas for their deliveries. UPS also prefers urban areas where they can off load more packages and drive less miles. These urban deliveries provide the both companies with a higher profit margin on their packages. UPS operational centers service roughly a 60-mile radius from each building. FedEx does not have as many operational centers in the US as UPS requiring their drivers to travel further to service rural routes. UPS has more trucks going to rural areas than their competitor, thus doing a better job at servicing the rural areas. Is UPS or FedEx Faster? Who will deliver your ground package faster? That will depend largely on your origin zip code. If you visit and you can search your zip code to see who has the competitive edge to servicing your customer base. The maps are in color and will show you how many days in transit it will take to deliver packages from your location around the US. From our analysis, FedEx is quicker to deliver to more areas throughout the country than their counterpart. From zip code 28405, FedEx is the faster delivery to the Northeast, Illinois, and some parts of the west coast. However, UPS was quicker to deliver to Arizona than FedEx. Your Preference At the end of the day, it is your preference on which carrier you choose to use to deliver your packages. If time in transit is a key metric for your company, comparing your customer base location in the ground transit maps offered by each carrier will allow you to choose the carrier that will help get your packages faster to your customers. Mindful Logistics utilizes our expert knowledge of the industry to offer consultation to find the perfect shipping fit for your business. Click here for a free rate analysis.
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